Use Case - Delivering Annual Meetings
Tips and Tricks 5 - Non-Default Completion Require ...
Tips and Tricks 5 - Non-Default Completion Requirement
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course, and then there is multiple sessions the user can go to, and after they finish, they can do a post-test. You will be very difficult for you to decide when the user can start doing the post-test, because you don't want them to do the entire course, entire all the courses inside step 2. But you also want them to at least do one before the post-test is open. In OASIS by default, the user is not considered finished the parent course unless every single child course within the parent course is completed. So in this particular case, it actually becomes a little bit tricky to say, I want you to do at least one course here before the post-test is available to you. So the way that you can do that is if you flip over to administrator, let's go to the top level. At this course, let's go to the second child. So if we go to the third child, you will see the third child has a prerequisite on the second child. So the second child, what we do is on the multi-part setting, we are going to say minimum completion requirement. By default, it's empty, which means you have to finish everything. But if you set it to 1, what that means is the user can finish just one, and they will be eligible for the next one. So let's just do this. I'm just going to quickly go through everything and finish this one. So I only finished one. So when I go to the very top, you see that this one opens. The only reason it's opened up for me is because I only needed to finish one of all the courses there in Step 2 before I'm considered finished. And by completing Step 2, Step 3 opens up. So that's another mechanic that might be required depending on how you want to do your annual meeting.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to set up a post-test in OASIS, a learning platform. They discuss the challenge of determining when users can take the post-test without completing all courses within a parent course. To address this, the speaker demonstrates how to use the multi-part setting to set a minimum completion requirement of 1 for a child course. Once a user completes one course in Step 2, the post-test becomes available to them, and upon completing Step 2, Step 3 opens up. This mechanic can be useful for organizing annual meetings or similar events. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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learning platform
multi-part setting
minimum completion requirement
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