Use Case - Delivering Annual Meetings
step 3. Course Outline for Final Product
step 3. Course Outline for Final Product
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Video Transcription
I'm going to go through an example of a course that has been fully set up to show what is inside of it so there's a couple things right so if I click on course outline I will be able to see that this course has one two three four five six children at the first level and they are multi-part and inside of it this one has one children this one has well there's a number next to it so you can see there's eight children and all the credit is given at this level and I can click on it to quickly go to uh... that particular unit and find out what is inside that course so as you can see here there is the outline to the course outline tool is very useful at keeping track of how many courses you have set up in addition there's a couple other things that will help help you with setting up the course number one is you can set up a cover image which is probably going to be uh... just check the box and select the image that will make it that will make sense because it's a fairly big course and you want uh... people to easily recognize the course on the catalog another thing that you might want to do just for appearance is you want to set up a banner by setting up uh... image banner and some background so i'm just going to do that uh... but before i do that i just want to flip over to the user view to show you the views so right now there is no banner across the top so i'm going to add a banner across the top and then click on refresh so this is what we're going to do i'm going to get the image i'm going to pause the video get the image and show you how that's done so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the configuration and i'm going to click on edit and i'm going to click on the image that i want to go across the top and click on upload i could put a little background uh... so that if this is blue for example i can make the entire background blue but let's just keep the background as white so now if i come here and i hit refresh pay attention to the banner here if i hit refresh you see the banner changes so obviously this might be a little too small for your banner but the idea is you have flexibility to add uh... a course specific banner for a course and this is especially true especially uh... makes sense if you have a course as big as annual meeting where you want to give it just that a little bit extra love because it is a big course so that's just one thing we want to highlight uh... we're going to have a few more uh... tricks and tips uh... following this video on how to add a few more things to how a multi-part course can be configured if your annual meeting product has a few odd rules but this overall is how you can set up uh... annual meeting and use oasis to deliver the recordings
Video Summary
In the video, the speaker provides a demonstration of how to set up a course using a course outline tool. They explain that the tool helps keep track of the courses and their contents. They also mention that a cover image and banner can be added to improve the appearance of the course. The speaker demonstrates how to add an image as a banner and mentions that more tips and tricks will be shared in subsequent videos. The video focuses on setting up the course and using the Oasis platform to deliver the recordings. No specific credits are mentioned.
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course outline tool
course setup
cover image
Oasis platform
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