Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
1. Assignment Setup
1. Assignment Setup
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Video Transcription
We'll continue our previous example by showing how to use the on-demand course now, step-by-step, where we are going to use the assignment mechanics to create a two-staged education product. In this particular product, we just want to make sure that we illustrate all the actors. We are going to have two learners, Donald Duck and Michael Jordan, who is going to be the learner. They will be submitting some assignments. Some are required, some are optional. We are going to have Peter Parker, who is a faculty, who will review the submission and give user feedback. We also have Thomas, who will be the administrator that is setting up this particular course. We are going to have four actors, and we'll get started by going to the courses and click on Add Course. In this particular use case, we are going to pretend that our hypothetical use case is some x-ray technician who needs to upload their x-rays for certification. Technician, certification, program. We'll pretend it's x-ray. x-ray is their integrations. What we are going to do now is we are going to quickly step through. We don't have to worry about credit. We are going to pretend it's free. Most important thing we are going to check is assignment tag. We are going to leave learning content, pretend that we are going to have some learning content for the user to go through right before they upload their x-rays. For the content, let's just upload some video. We are just going to grab some video that is pretend to be our learning content. Let's actually just upload a PDF. That's good enough. We are going to focus on the assignment part of it. We are going to make the assignment. We are going to make this upload, and we are going to say that this is required x-ray upload. We are going to give some instruction. Please upload a zip file with 10 x-rays that x and y and z. Pretend that's the instruction you want. You can also give people some document to download as part of the assignment in case there is a particular format. For our purpose, we don't want to open it up to any type. We just want zip file as upload. The first one, because it is required, we are going to check required. So far, nothing has changed from our previous examples of assignment. What makes things interesting is we are going to make this a menu approval. That means when the learner submits their assignment, the assignment step is in progress, not completed, until the faculty assigned to this course physically go in there and provide feedback and make it complete. So we check that, and we click on save. One thing that we have to remember is once someone submits an assignment, we need to notify either faculty or administrator about this submission. To do that, we need to make sure that there is a faculty associated with this course. Under configuration, there is a faculty, and we make sure that our faculty is selected. We only have Peter Parker, so we are going to select that. So Peter Parker is going to be our faculty. So with that said, we are going to go back to the course, click on edit, and make sure that when someone submits an assignment, we are going to notify someone, and we select Peter. You can select more than one, but let's just select Peter Parker. So that concludes our required upload. Then we also can do an optional upload. So we can say this is some instruction about the optional upload. So you can definitely make instructions here. Then we make it as optional, and we are going to click on... Let's say we make it so that it's... Let's not check this one. Let's just click on save. There we go. So now I'm going to publish it. So now that I have published it, we are going to use our learner persona. So let's start with Donald Duck to go through the learner experience. But before we do that, let's just review what we have done. We have set up a course. Under the assignment, we have two steps. And we probably want to change the terminology to say this is the x-ray upload. And then we have two components. One is required, one is optional. And we know it's required because it says required here, and this is optional. And notice that when it's optional, you cannot make it manual approval because it's optional. So in the next video tutorial, we will show how the learner experience is.
Video Summary
In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to use an on-demand course to create a two-staged education product. The product involves two learners, Donald Duck and Michael Jordan, who will be submitting assignments. There is also a faculty member named Peter Parker who will review the submissions and provide feedback. Thomas is the administrator setting up the course. The presenter goes through the steps of setting up the course, including adding a course, uploading learning content (in this case, a PDF), creating assignments (one required and one optional), and enabling manual approval for the required assignment. The presenter also explains how to notify the faculty of new submissions. The video concludes by mentioning that the next tutorial will focus on the learner experience.
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on-demand course
two-staged education product
faculty member
course setup
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