Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
3. Faculty Experience
3. Faculty Experience
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Video Transcription
As Peter Parker, by default there's a little message letting the faculty know that they can change their view at the top right corner. So we're going to disable this message and you can see that Peter Parker is in charge of this program. There's a different course that Peter Parker is also faculty of. And if there's a multiple course that Peter Parker is responsible for, they are all going to be listed here. For this demonstration, Peter Parker is logging in for the X3 course. So we're going to click on Assignment. And here you'll see that there are sort of a progress bar. So there's Download Doc and there's also Michael Jordan. So the Download Doc has uploaded a document so the faculty can click on it to download it, to review it. And we're going to skip that part because that's pretty obvious. The way that it reviews is by default, OASIS only allows, OASIS does not do fail. So the idea is we don't want to give learners a bad experience where they actually fail. They either pass or the faculty give feedback so that the student will repeat the assignment and try to pass. If your particular use case does require failing the student, let us know. It's a configuration setting to allow failing the course. But by default, we don't configure the course for failure. As you can see here, there is a couple ways the faculty can provide feedback. They can say, please redo your X-ray for the elbow, for example. So you can do the feedback. You can also click on the microphone and record your message. So we'll do that. One, two, three, testing, testing, one, two, three. So those are a couple ways to provide feedback. So now that I have provided feedback, we'll show what the learner sees before I click on complete. So we're going to switch back to see what the learner sees. So on this screen, Donald Duck is back in. They can see that this is the feedback. And if they play this, there is a voice feedback. This allows the faculty to either type their feedback or speak their feedback. And then Donald Duck can redo their upload. So let's pretend that they had to click delete and then re-upload. So let's pretend that now whatever the feedback was provided allows him to redo their upload. So now that they have done that, I'm going to switch to a different browser. Here, if they refresh the screen, they can re-download the file and they can mark it as complete. Let's suppose the feedback was good enough. There we go. Now that it is marked as complete, if you jump over to learner and refresh the screen, you'll see that it has been marked as complete. And then they can move on. So this is sort of the interaction back and forth. And if we go back as a faculty, they will see that on dashboard, they already finished one of the two assignments. And the progress bar shows that they have finished and they only have Michael Jordan to grade. And then they can do the same thing with Michael Jordan and the mark is complete. So that is how faculty can see. So now let's look at what an administrator can do to oversee the entire process.
Video Summary
In this video, the narrator explains how to navigate and use a program called OASIS as a faculty member. The video focuses on demonstrating how to provide feedback and review assignments. The instructor, represented by the name Peter Parker, logs in and shows how to access assignments, download documents for review, provide feedback through typing or recording voice messages, and mark assignments as complete. The video also briefly mentions the option to configure the course to allow students to fail if necessary. It concludes by mentioning that administrators have the ability to oversee the entire process.
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OASIS program
faculty member
navigating OASIS
providing feedback
reviewing assignments
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