Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
Step 1. Configuring Check List Using Assignment
Step 1. Configuring Check List Using Assignment
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always, you must be an administrator in order to create a course. So log in as an administrator and click on add a course. So when you click on add a course, select on-demand course because there will be a credit associated with it. So in this one, I'm just going to type in the name of the course. Let's call it Autism MOC Part 4. Let's say that's the name. And then we go MOC. Let's say that's the code. And we'll move on. And we are going to offer MOC Part 4. Let's say one credit. And we're going to skip over some of the pricing and a lot of the other things because that's not the focus of this video tutorial. We will check assignment feature because that is what we are going to demonstrate. And we're going to click on next. As soon as we're done, we're ready to populate the two steps that we have opt-in. The first is the learning content. Another one is assignment. And for learning content, we're not going to really do a whole lot other than just copy and paste some text so that we have something to fill up the content section. So let's add some content, strictly text-based content to make this a little bit faster. Introduction, and let's just grab some of the text here. As I mentioned earlier, text that's used really is not the focus of this exercise. Okay, we're just going to add one and then we're going to move on. Next, we're going to show how to use assignment feature to achieve a variety of learning and education product that does skill assessment. So we're actually going to build this product iteratively in the sense that we're going to turn something on and then go through as a learner to see the user experience and then start modifying that experience on the admin side. So first, I'm going to click on add assignment. We're going to use a checklist and we're going to say number of checklists to respond. This will be the number of patient chart. So imagine in this example, we want the learner to fill out five patient charts. We're going to type in five and we will give it a name. Let's call it the assignment title. Let's call it practice performance assessment. When we go through as a learner, you'll see exactly where this is displayed. We can also give some instructions. So we can say, please fill out the five patient charts. And then, it's very important to that we make this required and we say that as soon as you make the checklist, we're going to automatically approve it because there is no manual approval for the patient chart that you have checked. And then, we're going to click on save. So we have officially created one assignment that is repeated five times. Now, what is in the assignment for the checklist? Let's click on this icon to configure the checklist. So we're going to click on add and let's say we're going to ask the user to do a checklist of six items. By default, each item on the checklist is yes or no. We could optionally say that it actually is yes, no, or N, A. So let's do that. And then, we're going to give a question to the checklist. So we actually have an example of the checklist that the user is supposed to go through. So we're just going to open that and do some copy and paste. So now, I actually copy and pasted six items on the checklist. Keep in mind that your checklist could be a lot longer or a lot shorter. So let's just copy the first one, click on the pencil icon, paste it in there. So just bear with me while I do five more copy and paste. And then, we're going to do a checklist. As you can see, it's fairly straightforward as long as you already know what goes into your checklist. So I'm almost done here. So I have created six items on my checklist. First one, fourth, fifth, and sixth is just yes and no. And the second and third is yes, no, or N, A. Now that it's done, what I can do is I can just publish it and then see what it looks like. So let's just do that. And then, we're probably going to go back and forth a little bit more just to show some of the customization that is available. So now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch as a learner. And I'm going to take this. So let's just take this test. Not a test, but a product that only has an assignment and let's see what it looks like. So there's some learning material that the user has to go through. So we already know that we just put in some instructions so that it's very simple. And then, there is an assignment section that actually does the patient chart. If you don't like the word assignment, what you can do is you can actually change the wording. So let's switch another tab to the administrator view and let's change the terminology. We can say that for assignment, let's call it practice performance checklist. So really, whatever makes sense to you and your product or your user is what you should do in the terminology. So here, I'm just going to reload the screen to see that this now has become whatever I renamed in my terminology. In addition, when I go here, this button now looks like a go to assignment. It says, it uses terminology that I have created. So I'm just going to click on it and the name of the assignment is here. The instruction is here and then there's five lists that the user has to go through. If you don't like the word checklist 1, you can also customize the name. So we're going to switch over to the coordinator view. The admin view. On the assignment, there's this icon here. You can click on and you can change the name. So we can call it patient 1. So really depending on what your checklist is actually representing, if they represent patient, you change the patient. Now if you refresh, it's going to say patient. So what we're going to do is we're just going to quickly fill this out. Notice that the second and third one allows NA option. So we're just going to keep filling this out. At any time, the user can go back to see the list and then continue. So they do not have to finish the whole thing in one go. Alright, we're almost done. Submit. Okay, so the user has already submitted the assignment and the user is done. This is the first user, so the peer comparison is a little bit lacking. But the idea here is the user has already submitted the assignment and they are done. Now, like I said earlier, we're going to make this an iterative process. And the one thing we're going to do is we're going to add a reflection question after the user has submitted the assignment. So we're going to do it in the next video.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the presenter explains how to create a course with an assignment feature. They demonstrate the process of adding a course, selecting the type, entering course details such as name and code, and setting the course credit. The focus of the video is on demonstrating the assignment feature, so other details like pricing are skipped. The presenter shows how to add learning content and then proceeds to demonstrate creating an assignment. They create a checklist assignment with six items and explain how to customize the checklist options. They also show how to publish the assignment and view it from a learner's perspective. The video ends with a mention of adding a reflection question in the next video. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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video tutorial
create course
assignment feature
add course
customize checklist
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