Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
Step 1. Course Structure Setup
Step 1. Course Structure Setup
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the three stage product we're trying to create require a drip schedule to generate a delay between the completion of stage two to our stage B to the start of stage C we need to create a multi-part course so as always log in as administrator go to course tab and click on add courses so we're going to create a multi-part course and I have some cheat sheet has already created to copy over some text so let's say this is uh... MLC 4-1 so let's just initially set this up and then we're going to populate the children so we set up the shell for the course and then we're going to create three children's the three children's is going to be called stage A, B, and C so that it matches the vocabulary that we probably want to use to describe this product so each children is going to be on demand so the first one we're just going to call it stage A and the pretender is going to offer uh... one CME and uh... the code is going to be let's just say 111111 so we want to do assignment because this exercise is really meant to show how assignment can be used to do the MLC part 4 mechanics so that's stage A so then what we're going to do is we're going to go back to the parent and then we're also going to create stage B and let's say that one also offers let's say it doesn't offer so we also need assignment because that's where the reflection questions is going to be we then go back to the parent and we're actually going to create the last child which will only have assignment we're going to uncheck learning content and we're going to do assignment now that that's done let's go back take a look actually for stage A we probably don't want to offer credit let me just make sure it's cleared because we probably want to offer credit at the parent level when they have finished the entire program so that's what we're going to do, let's just offer MLC credit so now that we have set up the shell let's go over how to set up each individual component so we're going to do it fairly quickly because if you have watched the first two video tutorials on one stage and two stage a lot of the mechanics here will be very familiar to you so for the content we're just going to add some content that's text the first one we're just going to say some instructions suppose that's all we want to do and for assignment we're going to add assignment and we're going to say it's going to be a checklist and I need the user to do five patient charts and let's say the assignment name is called patient chart and the instruction let's say we want to say here are the inclusion and exclusion criteria so that they understand and we want them to acknowledge before they actually enter and it's required and auto-complete in the sense that nobody's going to actually verify the data when that's done I'm going to go in here and I'm going to add some I'm going to add just four checklists it's all going to be yes and no and we're just going to quickly enter them that's the first one second one third one and fourth one so now that's done we're also going to make sure that it actually refers to each one as patient okay and that's really all we're going to do for stage A so we're just going to publish it so now let's deal with stage B so we go to sibling and let's go to stage B so for stage B we also want to add some content and for just for illustration purpose we're going to give user something to download and uh... the thing that they will download is going to be right here right here the name of the document let's just make that the name of the asset click on save so now the user can download this but really the main focus is the assignment portion which are going to be text areas and then they have to type in the reflection question so let's just say reflection question one and the question they're going to be asked is this required autocomplete and we're just going to make it simple we're only going to ask two reflection questions just so they can quickly finish this part obviously you can have as many you can have as many reflection questions as you want so now that this is done I'm just going to publish it and then we're going to go to sibling courses go to stage C and then we're going to actually only do assignment and I'm going to do an import assignment because it's going to be the same as stage A so everything's cloned over and then this really is all we need to do and I can just publish already so as you can see here without getting into sort of the nitty-gritty wordsmith if you have everything ready to go it's fairly quick to get a particular product set up so let's just publish it and let's just look at the first brush how the learner experience looks like and then we can use and we'll do that in the next video and then we're going to do a separate video on how to customize some of the experience
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses the steps involved in creating a three-stage product with a drip schedule. They start by logging in as an administrator and navigating to the course tab to add courses. They create a multi-part course with three children called Stage A, B, and C. Each child is set as on-demand and has assignment tasks. Stage A offers one CME credit and stage B includes a reflection question. The parent level offers MLC credit upon completion of the entire program. The video demonstrates how to set up the content and assignments for each stage. The speaker also mentions that customization options will be covered in future videos. No credits were granted for the video.
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drip schedule
multi-part course
CME credit
MLC credit
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