Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
Step 2. Configuring Reflection Questions using As ...
Step 2. Configuring Reflection Questions using Assignment
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Video Transcription
We will continue our previous example by adding self-reflection question as a second part of the assignment. So what we're going to do is I actually logged in as a different user so that we can go through the course as a brand new user. So we go back to our MOC Part 4 product and we're going to go to, remember we had a different terminology for assignment so now it says practice performance checklist. So now what we're going to do is, oh, we have to take the course back to edit in order for the system to allow editing. So now what we're going to do is we're going to add a new one. So this time we're actually going to say it's a text box and we are going to ask four questions and here are the four questions that we would like the user to reflect. So that's the first question. So let's say question one, reflection question one, oh no, yes, actually here, yes. That's the text and we remember it's required and we don't grade them so it's auto-complete instead of manual approval. So we are going to add three more because we are going to ask four questions all together. So here we go, reflection two, instructions, required, auto-complete, all right, one more more, three, okay, and the last one, this is four, okay, here we go. So now if we publish, we can take a look to see what the user sees. So we're going to switch as a learner and we're going to take this one. So we're going to quickly skip over the learning content and go straight to the assignment piece. Notice that there's a few things that we know we have to modify because the reflection questions is listed one, two, three, four, using up almost the entire space even though they should come after the patient checklist. So what we're going to do is we are going to make some modifications. Switch back to administrator and what we're going to do is we're going to rename this one, let's rename this to patient chart. So that's easier to identify and for the next three, we want to group them into a single, so we actually say reflection questions. So we're going to put the next four questions in a single group. That way even though we're asking for four different text boxes, they're actually going to group together. So here we go. So now that's grouped together, we're going to switch the learner view to see how that looks. So here we go. So here's the patient chart and then they can do the checklist and then there's reflection questions. When they expand, they can do the reflection question. So we're almost there. We can feel it. The only problem is we would like the user to be able to do the reflection question after they have finished the patient chart. And right now, we don't have that set up. So what we're going to do is we're going to switch over to admin view and we're going to add one more thing to it, which is on the first one, we're going to check the box that says require previous practice performance checklist completion. What that means is while I do that, the user is not going to be able to do number two until they finish number one, which is patient chart. So let's take a look here. You can see that this one is disabled until this one is finished. If there is still a little bit of instruction you would like to add, we will show how you can add additional instructions in the next video. Right now, as you can see, the entire setup is almost done. So we're just going to go through this example to show how it completes end-to-end and then we can use a different video to show how to add a little bit more instruction to the user. So we're just going to do the checklist now. Once again, we're just going to select quickly, since we are really just testing the functionality and not really being careful with what we are checking, but it is important that the one I submit, I have the ability to view peer comparison and because this is the second user to have gone through the checklist, there is a peer that they can compare themselves against. So there is green for everyone who checked yes, red for no, and yellow slash orange for NA. So hopefully the learner will self-reflect based on the patient chart and then they can start doing the reflection question. So let's just say something. So let's click on save, second reflection question, third reflection question, and fourth reflection question. So now that they are done, they are considered complete. And this is what we were referring to earlier, where it's a one-stage exercise in the sense that whatever the user submitted, nobody is actually going to grade it. It's automatically approved and the user will receive credit automatically. Now it is entirely possible for administrator to go into the system, retroactively review the user submission. So as you can see here, you can go all the way to here and then you can run reports. So here's a report, you can run, you can generate a report, you can see how it is. So you can see everything that you need to see if you need to audit the data. If you want to see the actual reflection question that was submitted, you can go to the progress, go to complete. You can go here. You can actually see the data. Let's see. There we go. You can see that here is the reflection that the person submitted, even though we only did something, something. So as you can see here, after the user has submitted the data, the administrator has the ability to retroactively do an audit by drilling down to the user's detail. Even though it's up to you whether you want to revoke any credit that has already been awarded to the user.
Video Summary
The video transcript discusses adding a self-reflection question as part of an assignment. It explains how to navigate through the course as a new user and modify the assignment. The transcript also shows how to group reflection questions together and ensure they can only be completed after a previous task is finished. It mentions that the submission of the assignment is automatically approved, but administrators can review the user's submission and generate reports for auditing purposes. The video concludes by explaining that administrators have the option to revoke credit if necessary. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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grouping reflection questions
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