Use Case - Leveraging Assignment for Multi-Staged ...
step 2. User Experience (and its customizations)
step 2. User Experience (and its customizations)
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have published the course, let's just go over the user experience even though it's not in the final state so right away you notice that stage A, B, and C are not prerequisite of each other so people can sort of get out of sequence by going from directly to B or directly to C so that's one thing that we noticed uh... so what we're going to do is we're going to go to admin view and then we're going to set up some prerequisite rules and in this particular example we're not going to use the standard prerequisite rule, we're going to use a DRIP schedule to set up the rule so let's go here as a multi-part there is a DRIP schedule and in this particular case we're going to use prerequisite based DRIP schedule and then what we're going to do is we're going to drop the first course here it's a little tricky there we go, you put it here and then it shows up right here and then you're going to say then I'm going to put stage B to be available as soon as stage A finishes, so you just drag on top of stage A, that will work then you drag stage C directly on stage B and then you want to say it's uh... sixty days or ninety days so this basically says stage B when you finish stage B, stage C is going to open to you after ninety days so now that's done, if we go back to the learner view we try to continue, you'll see that this one is locked it says available after completing stage A and this one says available ninety days after stage B so now the mechanics uh... at least the schedule wise works so let's go to stage A we are keeping in mind that you can use different terminology for assignment but uh... we already covered that in the previous video which is going to go to course material pretend that's all the course material you want go to assignment notice that we have some uh... acknowledgement the user has to accept before they start, so we say acknowledge and then they can do the patient so let's just quickly do these so now when I submit I can do a peer comparison because I'm the first user there's not going to be a lot of peer to compare but then I can go back and notice that uh... let's go back to the course stage B is opened up so now let's just go to stage B so I can look at some content you probably have more learning content for stage B than what my example contains let's pretend I'm going to move forward and then I can do the reflection question so I'm just going to say something save, something, save now that I've finished I can go back and notice that stage C is locked because it's uh... available in ninety days so at this point the user will have to wait a couple things number one is as administrator you probably want to set up a reminder email so that the user knows that stage C has opened up otherwise they will never remember so you want to go to stage C and you want to go to manage feature and you want to turn on reminder email when you turn on reminder email you can go to email section you can say actually the reminder email is actually managed at the trip at the parent level when you go to trip schedule there's a reminder email so that's where you set up because the reminder is actually reminding the things that's happening due to the trip schedule so you can say one day after the available seven days and then thirty days after it's available when you click on save you can use the pencil icon to change the actual message if you do not like the default template that we have so this is uh... you can change the subject you can change the actual wording some of the keywords are uh... using but the idea is you can customize the actual message and you can have up to three reminder emails uh... with that said we can also over schedule override the reason that we need to do schedule override is because we want to finish the example and we don't want to wait ninety days to finish the example so I'm going to say I'm going to make this available available on this date so you basically overwrote the logic that's determined by the trip schedule so now if I go back I can access stage three stage C so now I'm just going to do this so I'm going to quickly finish it when I submit then I can do peer comparison I can see that uh... once again the first one in the system so there isn't a whole lot to compare and then when I go back to the course level I can claim the credit so let's just claim the credit and then this concludes the entire flow for how a three stage process a three stage based course will work
Video Summary
In this video, the presenter discusses the user experience of a course and how to set up prerequisite rules using an admin view. They demonstrate using a DRIP schedule to set up prerequisite rules for different stages of the course. The presenter shows how to lock and unlock stages based on completion of previous stages. They also mention the option to set up reminder emails for when stages become available. The presenter explains how to override the schedule to finish the example without waiting the designated time. They conclude by mentioning the ability to claim credit for completing the course.
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user experience
prerequisite rules
admin view
DRIP schedule
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