Use Cases for using Personalized Catalogue
Limited Product Access with Multiple Product Launc ...
Limited Product Access with Multiple Product Launches
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Suppose you are launching Oasis, except that for the first 30 days to 60 days, you are only going to launch one product while other product is being migrated. So in this case, you will pretend the World Economic Forum is the only course you want to launch. But the rest of the course you don't want user to see yet because they are going to be launched in the second wave or phase two. So what you can do is obviously you can create a custom catalog that only have that one product. That way the user cannot see anything except that one product that is ready to launch on day one. But that will mean that anybody on your team will not be able to QA any courses that is being migrated for phase two because when they come to the catalog, they will only be able to see the one product you want your audience to see. So in this tutorial, we'll show you how you can use personalized catalog to address that issue as well. So once again, we're going to use Jennifer Rambo. And by default, you can see that we have the Chef layout. And the goal right now is to say all these courses we have is not ready for primetime. I'm going to create a template that only have the World Economic Forum. So what we're going to do is I have already set up a template that only have one course for annual meeting. I literally call it annual meeting template. And you can see here only have annual meeting template. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to make this the default template for Goldilocks. And then I'm going to make my Goldilocks the default template for the whole system. Now what happens is you will see that when the user come in, the only course they will see is this particular course. Even though there are other courses in the system that is being migrated for Phase 2 launch, as far as user is concerned, they will only be able to see this one course. So that'll solve 99% of the problem where the Phase 1 launch is going to be successful because all of your end users will only see the one product that you want them to see. But what happens to the other 1% of the user, which is your team, that needs to QA the courses that are still being migrated for Phase 2? So what we can do is, once again, we're going to go to personalized catalog. We're going to say, hey, you know what? By default, everybody go to the Goldilocks template. Let's also create a user group. Let's just use this opportunity to highlight how you can use a personalized catalog along with user group. So I can say I'm going to create an internal staff. And then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to add a few users. So I'm going to pretend that Novita, Thomas, there we go. These two users are the internal staff. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a custom routing to say user group, internal staff is going to be able to see, for example, the chef layout. So now what happens is Oasis is going to say, if you're in this group, I will show you the chef layout, which is going to be the internal team that's going to be QAing the data migration. And then everybody else is going to see the Goldilocks template, which only has one course. So over here, let's see. You can see that's still the one course. Now, if I come over here, let's pretend that I am someone on the internal team. I believe it's, let's see, pretend I'm Novita. So when I impersonize Novita, I'm going to go back to the learner side. You will see that Novita will see the full catalog that I'm ready to launch in wave two or phase two. So as you can see, you can essentially use a personalized catalog to restrict the view of your general public or restrict your view for just a small group of users. Thank you.
Video Summary
The tutorial addresses launching a phased product rollout by using personalized catalogs. Initially, only one product, the "World Economic Forum" course, is visible to users during the first phase. This is achieved by creating a custom catalog template, ensuring users can only see what's ready for launch. To enable quality assurance (QA) testing for subsequent phase products, an internal staff user group is created. This group accesses a different catalog layout for testing purposes. This strategy allows effective management of product visibility during phased rollouts while supporting internal QA processes.
phased rollout
personalized catalogs
World Economic Forum course
quality assurance testing
product visibility management
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