Use Cases for using Personalized Catalogue
Microsites for Targeted Audience
Microsites for Targeted Audience
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In the next example, we'll show how you can use personalized catalog to create micro sites where, depending on the who, depending on who the user is, they will see a different catalog. So once again, Jennifer Rambo is just regular general public and she can see everything on the catalog. Now suppose we have two other cohorts in the system. I have created two user group, one called patients, one called physician. Now exactly how the user get into this groups can be completely based on your specific use case. It can be based on their email address, some API, what institution they belongs to, variety of reasons how you're going to segment your users so that you can create micro sites that is targeting those type of users. In my example, I'm going to say that I created a group called patient and they just have one user called Thomas Wong. I have another group called physician that's going to have Novita. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say when general public log in, they will see exactly what Jennifer sees. However, when those two particular groups come in, I want to send them to a group dedicated, a catalog dedicated for that group of users. So I'm going to say for anyone that's in the physician group, I'm going to send them to the Goldilocks, the physician courses, patient, there we go, sorry. So anyone who is in the patient group, I'm going to send them to the patient course template. And as you can already imagine, for anyone who is a physician, I'm going to send them to the Goldilocks and physician courses. So now you can see this is how the system is going to route the user. It's basically saying that if you're in the group physician, I'm going to send you to the micro site for physician. If you are in the, so sorry, once again, if you're in the patient group, I'm going to send you to the micro site for patient. If you are a physician, I'm going to send you to the micro site for physician. And if you don't belong to any of these groups, I have to send you to the default. So remember, Novita is, let's see, Novita is, sorry, Novita is in the physician. So let's take a look. So Novita is in physician group. So when Novita go to the learner site, notice there's a different portal that's for Novita. And this is set up over here, under catalog under layout, there's a physician template. And I just created a couple courses for under this particular layout. Obviously, your micro site is going to look a lot more prettier, you can definitely set it up however you want. But this tutorial, you highlight the routing logic to automatically send the user that meet a particular profile to a particular catalog. Now, one thing you note is that I have disabled ability to search. The reason I'm disabling the ability to search is if you enable the ability to search, I'm going to go back to, as in Novita, I'm going to go to learner site, I will be able to see the search and the filters. So I could, in theory, be able to search and find courses that is not on my micro site, but it's going to allow me to see things outside of my micro site. Maybe that's okay in your use case. But I just want to highlight that when you set up a small subset of courses in a micro site, just be aware that if you also put the search box on there, it is possible for that user to search the entire catalog and not just the courses in their particular micro site. And I'm going to finish my example by going to impersonate as Thomas Wong. So hold on one second. So this is Thomas Wong, I'm going to impersonate as Thomas Wong. And then when I go to the learner site, notice that this is a different, this is the patient portal. I'm going to put it over here. And this is the physician portal. So you can see that they're a little bit different, just because we are having a micro site for patient, another micro site for physician. And depending on the who the user is, they're going to be redirected to the designated portal. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to use a personalized catalog to create micro sites tailored to specific user groups, such as general public, patients, and physicians. Each group sees a different catalog based on their category. For instance, patients and physicians are directed to specialized portals, while general users access a default catalog. The routing logic automatically redirects users depending on their group profile. The tutorial highlights the importance of search settings, allowing or restricting access to courses outside their designated portal. The system can customize appearances per user group, enhancing targeted content delivery.
personalized catalog
micro sites
user groups
routing logic
targeted content
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