Use Cases for using Personalized Catalogue
Special Routing for Catalogue Testing
Special Routing for Catalogue Testing
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will go over one of the use case where you want to personalize the catalog. So for example, let's say you have been using our Oasis catalog and you have been using the Chef template. So as a learner, when the user log in, Jennifer Rambo, they are seeing the Chef layout. But you're also working on a new template and you want to work on a new Goldilocks template. And over here, you can see that I have a new Goldilocks template in the Beth layout. And it is still a work in progress, obviously. So I can preview it. I can say, okay, this is a work in progress. I'm not quite done yet, but I would like to get some feedback from the users. But the problem is going to be, how are you going to let user see a catalog that is quote-unquote not for prime time? But if you make it live, your real user will see this not for prime time catalog. And you know, you don't want that. You want to have a good first impression. This is where personalized catalog use case will come in. So for example, I'm going to click on personalized catalog. You can see that right now, the default catalog is the Chef layout. I could, in this case, click on custom routing and I will say, hey, the user Jennifer. Okay. Let's say Jennifer. I would like Jennifer to do the Goldilocks template. And that is the one that I'm working on. Okay. So what I'm doing here is I'm going to say when it comes to the catalog personalization, I would like to make sure that Jennifer Rambo is going to be sent to this catalog layout and then everything, everybody else is going to go to the default. Now, if I come over here, pay attention to what Jennifer Rambo's catalog looks like. I'm just going to right click and then click on new window. So you see this is the work in progress Goldilocks. I'm going to put it on the right hand side and this is on the left hand side. You can see that the Chef layout has a signature thing at the top. That's the wrong corner. Whereas this one is a drop down stacked and over here I have a few images for primary, women's health, pediatric and heart health. Whereas over here, it's just a list of other courses, right? So now you can see that by selecting users that is going to be routed to a different catalog than the default catalog, you can essentially invite some people to give you feedback on your catalog, even when that catalog is not ready for prime time. Because you know that unless your reviewer is on this special routing, your normal user is being defaulted to the regular catalog. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains how to personalize a catalog for specific users without affecting the default layout for everyone else. The example uses a Chef template as the default catalog and introduces a new Goldilocks template in development. By using personalized catalog settings, the tutorial demonstrates how specific users, like Jennifer Rambo, can view the new layout for feedback purposes, while others see the default catalog. This approach allows testing and feedback collection for layouts not ready for full deployment without impacting all users’ experience.
personalized catalog
default layout
Chef template
Goldilocks template
user feedback
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