User Entitlement (Configuration A)
3 - How to perform a refund
3 - How to perform a refund
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If you want to issue someone a refund, and the refund is for a purchase that is made in OASIS, you can find the user, go to User Purchase tab, and find the purchase you would like to refund. So for example, let's say this purchase is for $9.95, I want to click on Refund. You do not have to refund the total amount. You can perform a partial refund, and click on Process Refund. Here we go. If you see this error message, that means the user has already received a refund some other way within your credit card processor. So we are going to go back to another purchase that has already been issued a refund. What we want to communicate is after you successfully issued a refund, you have this second step called Revoke User Purchase. When you click on Revoke User Purchase, what it is actually doing is it's actually permanently deleting user's progress on the course. It's very important to understand why OASIS has this step. So if we go back to this chart, as you remember, when OASIS decides if a user has access or not, we check to see if the user has made any progress or have started the course. So if you do not click on Process Revoke, what happens is the user received their money, but OASIS will continue to give user access. So clicking on Revoke Purchase is essentially a shortcut to reset user's progress as if the user has never started the product. It is very important to click on Revoke Access if you want the user to permanently lose access to the product by removing all their progress. Be careful with this action though, because it is irreversible. If you revoke someone's access this way, and you make a mistake, OASIS cannot recover the progress you had deleted. But that is not the end of the story. After you revoke, if the user's entitlement is driven by your AMS, you also have to go to your AMS and remove user's entitlement. The reason is because even though you revoke a person's access as if they have never started, and assuming you never give user access, this step right here, we need to check to see if the user purchased the product according to the entitlement. Refunding money in OASIS typically does not revoke user's entitlement in your AMS. If your AMS does not have integration with OASIS for the refund, you have to go to your AMS and make sure that according to your AMS, the user does not have access to this product anymore. So keep in mind, OASIS refund is typically only focused on giving the user their money back and resetting user's progress. You have to have to have to remember to go to your AMS and remove user's entitlement. Otherwise, the user will continue to have access to it because your AMS is the source of truth for user entitlement. I hope that makes sense. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains the process of issuing a refund in OASIS. To refund a purchase made in OASIS, go to the User Purchase tab, find the purchase, and click on Refund. Partial refunds are possible. If you see an error message, it means the user has already received a refund through another credit card processor. After issuing a refund, click on Revoke User Purchase to permanently delete the user's progress on the course. This step is important because OASIS determines access based on user progress. Not clicking on Revoke Purchase means the user will still have access. Revoking access is irreversible, so be cautious. If the user's entitlement is dependent on your AMS, you must also remove the entitlement in your AMS to remove access. OASIS refunds only focus on refunding money and resetting progress, while the AMS controls user entitlement.
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Revoke User Purchase
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