Virtual Proctoring for an Exam
6 - How to lock and unlock students from an exam
6 - How to lock and unlock students from an exam
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Video Transcription
Now that we have talked about how what schedule the exam admission feature works, I'm going to turn it off. Now I'm going to turn on the option to allow lock student. Now that I enable this feature, I'm going to minimize the admin screen. And I'm just going to refresh my right-hand side browser, which is the proctor. So now you can see that I no longer can schedule a future date and time for the user to start the exam. I have a new button that is called lock. So the idea here is suppose Alfonso is still answering this question. And Alfonso did something suspicious on the screen where proctor is watching him through a zoom where he is sharing his camera. If for any reason proctor on his or her own determination to decide to say Alfonso, you are no longer allowed to take the test. They can click on lock to kick the user out of the exam. Keep in mind, Oasis does not automatically kick the user out of the exam. Proctor can make his or her own determination using whatever reasoning and logic they have to click on this button. When they click on the button, keep in mind right here, right now the user have a minute and an hour and about 12 minutes left for the exam. I'm going to click on lock. Notice that when I click on lock, the user is locked out of the exam with no way of returning to the exam. While that is happening, the user's timer is continue to run. The reason is that when I lock you out, I don't compensate you for how much time you're locked out because you're doing something that's probably suspicious. And that you will eventually time out when your timer runs out. So keep in mind, this is how timeout, this is how locking user out works. It's a little dangerous feature, which is why we allow you to disable this feature away from your proctors if you do not want your proctor to have this fairly destructive or actually disruptive capability. Now, with that said, if for any reason proctor decide to let the user back in the exam, they can click on unlock. When I click on unlock, notice Alfonso is back in the exam, but notice the time that's left. He has about a minute, an hour and 10 minutes, but he had about an hour and 12 minutes when I locked him. This is once again, stressing the fact that when the user get locked, the timer is still running. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to use the lock student feature in an exam administration tool called Oasis. The feature allows proctors to lock out a student from the exam if they suspect suspicious behavior. The proctor can click on the lock button, and the student will be unable to return to the exam. The timer continues to run while the student is locked out. The speaker emphasizes that this feature can be disabled if it is considered too disruptive. The proctor can also choose to unlock the student if necessary. The video ends by mentioning that the timer continues to run even when the student is locked. No specific credits were provided in the transcript.
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lock student feature
exam administration tool
suspicious behavior
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