Vouchers (Advanced)
Purchasing a voucher
Purchasing a voucher
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will go over how a program coordinator can now purchase a voucher with two different configurations. I'm logged in as John Chicago and who is in charge of Unichicago Medical Center. When I decide to purchase a voucher, let's say I select this awesome course for programs and I say I want to five copies. Now I can say that I want one voucher that can be used five times or I want five vouchers, one can be used only once. So what we're going to do is I'm going to show you the difference between the two setup. So I'm just going to first select one voucher that can be used five times and I'm going to say I'm just going to use a fake credit card. Here we go. So remember, I purchased five copies and I'm expecting one vouchers that can be used five times. So I'm going to click on confirm payment. Notice this is the voucher code and this voucher code can be used five times. As a matter of fact, if I go back here, I can see that this voucher code can be used five times. A different way of making the purchase is once again, I'm going to buy five copies, five vouchers, except this time I want five vouchers, one can be used only once. Each can be used only once. So once again, I'm going to use my fake credit card. And then when I confirm payment, notice that I actually get five codes. Each one can be redeemed one time. And if I go back to my voucher, you can see that this is the one where one code can be used five times and these are the five codes, each one can be used once. So this is a new mechanic that we have introduced to give a little bit of flexibility on how the coordinator purchased their voucher code. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the program coordinator, John Chicago, demonstrates how to purchase vouchers with different configurations. He shows how to purchase one voucher that can be used five times, as well as five vouchers, each usable only once. Using a fake credit card for demonstration purposes, John confirms the payment for each configuration. He then displays the voucher codes, highlighting the difference between the two setups. This new feature provides coordinators with flexibility when purchasing voucher codes. No credits were provided.
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video tutorial
program coordinator
John Chicago
purchase vouchers
voucher configurations
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