Welcome to the FOMO Corner
The goal of FOMO corner
The goal of FOMO corner
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Video Transcription
Hi, we would like to introduce a new feature within Oasis LMS called the FOMO corner. The FOMO corner is displayed on the administrator dashboard replacing the old information that was displayed. As you can see here, the FOMO corner is meant as a centralized information hub where we will display useful information such as feature updates, tips and tricks, best industry practice, or just the various things that you may or may not actually be interested in. The idea is that you will see a slightly different bulletin every time you log into the dashboard. For example, if I navigate away and I come back to the dashboard, there's going to be a new bulletin displayed in the FOMO corner. So over time, just by logging in to the Oasis LMS and pay attention to only the bulletin that is displayed to you, you will slowly learn small but meaningful information about Oasis LMS. So we're going to describe a few additional mechanics within the FOMO corner in the next set of videos, but hopefully this gives you a good introduction of what is the goal within FOMO corner. Thank you.
Video Summary
The FOMO corner is a new feature on the Oasis LMS administrator dashboard. It serves as a centralized information hub replacing previous displays. The FOMO corner provides updates, tips, best practices, and more, offering varied bulletins each time users log in. It aims to gradually inform users about Oasis LMS through these dynamic updates. Further details on the mechanics of FOMO corner will be provided in upcoming videos.
FOMO corner
Oasis LMS
administrator dashboard
information hub
dynamic updates
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