Welcome to the FOMO Corner
What you can do with each bulletin on FOMO Corner
What you can do with each bulletin on FOMO Corner
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Video Transcription
Now that we have stated the goal of the FOMO corner, we would like to highlight a few things you can do with each bulletin in the FOMO corner. As you can see at the lower right corner, there are four levels of interaction you can make with each bulletin, starting with not interested, to not applicable, to like it, to love it. We strongly recommend that you interact with each bulletin so that we can collect our client's general feedback around each feature so that we can crowdsource what is the most interested feature based on our client's feedback so we can focus on those features for future enhancement. And if there are particular features that you feel strongly about, definitely give it a like or a love so that you will push it up in our priority list for future roadmap. In addition, you can also click on the link icon to grab either the link for more information in OASIS or a tutorial that goes deeper in how that particular concept described in the bulletin is practiced, and the link typically will take you to OASIS University. There is also the share icon that allows you to share a particular bulletin that might be of interest to a team member who may not know about this particular bulletin. There's also icon for you to bookmark if a bulletin is of interest, and if there is an eye icon, that means there is additional detail for that bulletin that cannot be fit within just a few lines that is displayed on the bulletin. So if I click on the eye icon, you will see that there's a more descriptive of what that particular bulletin is about. So hopefully, by interacting with the bulletin and by using the icons that's available, you will get more information about OASIS by simply logging on each day. Thank you.
Video Summary
The FOMO corner offers interactive bulletins with four engagement levels: not interested, not applicable, like, and love. These interactions help prioritize features for future development based on client feedback. Users can access more information through links to OASIS University, bookmark items of interest, and share bulletins with others. The eye icon provides detailed descriptions. Engaging with these options ensures users stay informed about OASIS developments.
interactive bulletins
client feedback
OASIS University
feature prioritization
user engagement
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