What is Credit Eligibility
2 - An example of profession-based Credit Eligibil ...
2 - An example of profession-based Credit Eligibility
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Video Transcription
So, using our example where the user's credit eligibility is based on profession, the first question that 360Factors support team will ask is, how do I know what the user's profession is? Now, there are multiple ways that we can get user's profession. For example, we could intercept the user when they log in for the very first time, then just ask them, what is your profession? That is most straightforward. Additionally, if your system is using single sign-on, and user's profession is already tracked in single sign-on, you can pass user's profession to OASIS during the single sign-on process. So, here's an example where the user's profession is sent over to OASIS as a part of the single sign-on process. So, the user who come in, OASIS will automatically sync what the user's profession is in OASIS with what the user already declared in your CRM or AMS, so that user don't have to tell OASIS what their profession is, and OASIS will already know. Now, imagine the user single sign-on process has already provided OASIS with the user's profession. Typically, that information is somewhere on the user detail page. In my example, you can see that my account profession is social worker. So, what I'm going to do now is I am going to go to the course that I just created, and I want to highlight what the user sees. So, there we go. This is the course, right? And what I will do is I will visit this course. Notice that it is a private course, so I enrolled myself, so nobody can see this course, all right? So, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go to the learner side, and I'm going to visit the course as Thomas Wong, whose profession is social worker. So, it's very important that I want to stress I am accessing the course as someone whose profession is a social worker, all right? So, here we go. I am going to just do a search, all right? So, give it a second. Okay, all right. So, this is the course. Notice that I'm seeing COP as what's available, even though I'm a social worker. The reason is that as a social worker, I'm only eligible for COP and ASWB, which I happened to remove in my previous video. So, let's now go back to the course, and let's add it. So, here we go. This is the dummy course I'm using, and I'm going to add ASWB back in the system, okay? So, now, if I refresh, you will see that, remember, right now, before the page refreshes, it's one COP available. So, let's just give it a second when the website finish loading. Okay, so there we go. You will see that it is one ASWB available and the one COP available. So, notice that what the user actually can receive is entirely based on their profession. Now, just to drive home this idea even further, if the user is a nurse practitioner, the user will receive this credit, this credit, and this credit. So, let's see that. Remember, the user's profession, in my case, is synchronized during a single sign-on process. However, I could change it as administrator temporarily, and then when I do this, as long as the user don't perform a single sign-on again, it will actually stay in OASIS. Notice when I refresh, the credit I will receive changed. Why? Because I have changed my profession from social worker to nurse practitioner, and the credit I will receive for the exact same course now changed. Just drive home the final example. I'm going to pretend that I am a physician, okay, which is going to receive completely different set of credit. So, I'm going to come over here. I'm going to change my account from nurse practitioner to physician. If I can find physician here, I think it's this one right here. There we go. So, now, if I come over here and I refresh, so there we go. So, as you can see, the user's credit that they will receive is entirely based on the profession they have, and in my case, it happens to be whatever is synced over from the single sign-on process. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses how user credit eligibility in OASIS is determined by their profession. The support team can obtain this information by asking the user directly or retrieving it through single sign-on. Once the profession is identified, OASIS will sync it with the user's CRM or AMS to allocate appropriate credits. The example demonstrates how different professions like social worker, nurse practitioner, and physician receive specific credits based on their profession. Changing the user's profession results in a corresponding adjustment in the credits available. Ultimately, the user's received credits are entirely dependent on their declared profession within OASIS.
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user credit eligibility
profession-based credits
single sign-on
CRM/AMS sync
credit eligibility
proffesion based credit eligibility
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