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- Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
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No Credit Offered
[360] Exam with Sections 1 - The concept behind the idea
Timed Exam Sections with Timed Breaks
1 - Setting up an exam with timed sections and breaks
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 1)
3 - "Timed out" User Experience and Admin Features
Timed Exam Sections with Pooled Break Times
1 - Setting up an exam with timed sections and pooled break time
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 2)
3 - "Timed out" User Experience (Config 1)
4 - Extending Timed Out User's Exam Sections and Breaks
Exam Sections with Release Date
1 - Setting up an exam with sections with release dates
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 3)