Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
[360] Exam with Sections 1 - The concept behind th ...
[360] Exam with Sections 1 - The concept behind the idea
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Video Transcription
Hi, in this video tutorial, we will actually go over the concept behind why we want to break a single exam into sections. As you can see here, pretend you have a high-stakes exam that has a lot of questions. Even though I only have 3 groups of 9 questions, pretend I have 30 groups of 90 questions. The idea is, an exam could have a lot of questions, which can be overwhelming for a student to take. However, you still want to keep it as one exam because you want to calculate the score, the competency diagnostic, and so on and so forth within a single exam. What you can do is, conceptually, what you will do is, you will break this exam into different sections. As you can see here, I have broken them into 3 different sections, each section has 9 questions. Obviously, you don't have to keep each section with equal number of questions, but for illustration purpose here, I will make each section with the same number of questions. Then what you can do is, you can add a break element between the sections so that you can say, the high-stakes exam will have, for example, 3 hours to take, where the idea is to allow the user to spend 1 hour per section, so that you have 3 hours, 1 hour per section, but because it's such a long exam, you want the user to take a break in the middle. Now, let's talk about how you want to take breaks in the middle. You could say that everyone get 10-minute break between the sections, so that they could, if they want, take up to 10 minutes between each section, so that, in theory, they will take at most 3 hours and 20 minutes to finish the exam. While they're on break, they obviously cannot peek into the questions they're going to take, so that you still rest assured the user only spent 3 hours per section, even though you are able to give them some break in the middle. Now, suppose you don't want to be rigid about only 10 minutes per break, you could give user a pool of 20 minutes and say that you can take as much time as you need within each break, as long as they don't exceed 20 minutes overall. In this setup, if someone take 1-minute break during the first interval, they could take up to 19 minutes because that will be the pool of 20, so obviously, they don't have to exhaust the entire pool if they don't want to take as long for the break, but they could take up to the pool of minutes for their break, regardless how long they want each break to be. Last possibility with such a break setup is you could actually set a release date between each section, so the user will take the first section on day 1 and the second section on day 2, or say, day 100, in case you want to space them out really far apart, so that even though it's a single exam, the user will have to take it in multiple sections, and each section is essentially taking a different time, but overall, they will still finish all the sections within your schedule, and the entire exam is counted as one exam instead of multiple exams. So this is the idea behind why we allow exams with sections, and the next set of video tutorials will talk about how the exams with sections will behave, both from learner's perspective and from admin's perspective. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the concept of breaking a single exam into sections is explained. It is discussed that exams with a large number of questions can be overwhelming for students, but it is important to keep it as one exam to calculate scores and competency diagnostics. The video suggests breaking the exam into different sections, with a break element in between. It is proposed that users have a set time for each section, with a break in the middle. The option of a 10-minute break between each section is mentioned, but users could also have a pool of 20 minutes to use for breaks, as long as they don't exceed the overall time limit. Another option suggested is setting release dates for each section, allowing users to take the exam in multiple sections but still counting it as one exam. The next set of video tutorials will explore how exams with sections behave from both the learner's and admin's perspectives. No credits are mentioned.
Meta Tag
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exam sections
breaking exams
time management
break element
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