Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
1 - Setting up an exam with sections with release ...
1 - Setting up an exam with sections with release dates
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Video Transcription
In the last example of a use case with exams that has sections, we are going to talk about how to set up an exam with sections that follows this particular configuration, where an exam is administered in multiple sections, but each new section is actually released by a particular date instead of letting user finish all the sections consecutively with a break in the middle. So this is basically a release date triggered gate check for the next section. So what we will do is we're going to create a level 3 exam by cloning the existing course. So we call this level 3, MCP level 3. And what we will do is we're just going to clone the exact same set of questions as before. The only difference is we're going to make changes to the parts that is different. So we're going to navigate back to the section and what we will do is we will continue to do the same five sections. Actually, this time I'm going to do three sections, just make it a little bit faster. So I'm going to the first section that has 20 questions. Let's pretend that's 20 minutes. And I'm going to have the second section. Pretend the second section, I'm going to have 10 questions. And this time I'm going to have, say, 10 minutes. Sorry. There we go. And then I'm going to have the section C that has the remaining 20 questions. Okay, so we just put a little different wrinkle of 20 questions for first section, 10 questions for second section, and 20 questions for third section. And they have basically different time requirement for each section. And because we cloned this over, the break configuration get cloned over as well. But what we're going to do is we're going to change the release date. So now that I changed release date, I'm going to go here. I'm going to say that the first section is released right away. And the second section, let's say we're going to release on December 1st. And the next section, I'm going to release it on December 15th, for example. Okay, so it's very simple configuration where the user will essentially start section A and then become unable to move to section B until December 1st. Okay, and because it's a release date, by default, you probably want to set up some sort of a reminder email. So I'm just going to say one day after, zero days after it become available, I'm going to set a reminder. And just make sure user didn't miss the first one. I'm going to send another email three days after. So now what I'm going to do is I am going to publish the exam. And then next video, we're going to talk about what the user experience looks like. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to set up an exam with sections that are released on specific dates rather than being completed consecutively. They start by cloning an existing course and creating a new exam with three sections. Each section has a different number of questions and time limit. The speaker then changes the release date for each section, allowing users to access them at different times. They also set up reminder emails for users. The video ends with the speaker mentioning that the next video will cover the user experience. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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exam setup
released sections
cloning course
different question count
reminder emails
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